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The Hague, 21-11-2008

Prince Pieter-Christiaan in the Hague

The Hague
Princess Maxima with Princess Ariane at the arrival of Sinterklaas (Sint Nicholas) and his helpers Zwarrte Pieten (black Peters) in their hometown Wassenaar, The Netherlands, November 22, 2008. Photo: Albert Nieboer


The Dutch Princess Maxima , listening to some of the organizers of the Platform
Thursday November 20 in the Van Nelle Design Factory in Rotterdam .
She attended the first nationwide demonstration of the Platform Area Alliance.
During the meeting is to undertake innovative society
neighborhood level, in cities, villages and rural central.

Dutch Queen Beatrix arrive at the Concertgebouw and was welcomed by Job Cohen Mayor of Amsterdam the Queen attended the concert ''East meets West'', by the German Ensemble Modern at the Indian Festival in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 20 November 2008. The Queen attended the concert in the Concertgebouw.

Photo: Albert van der Werf

Dutch Princess M‡xima arrives at the Lyceum Oudehoven.

She visited the project De Jonge Akademie on wheels at Lyceum Oudehoven in Gorinchem. She attended some workshops in the school.

Princess Maxima of the Netherlands attended the opening of the conference of the Club of Madrid in The Van Nelle factory in Rotterdam, 13 november 2008. The Conference is themed this year 'Global Forum on Leadership for Shared Societies: building a World made safe for differnce'.
© Albert Nieboer - Royal Press Europe

12-11-2008, ROTTERDAM

HRH Princess Maxima

Her Royal Highness Princess Maxima of the Netherlands opens child hospital in Rotterdam on 12 November 2008 a new research centre of Generation R in era sparrow MC-Sophia. Generation R are a research of era sparrow MC, the era sparrow university Rotterdam and era sparrow MC-Sophia in association with the GGD Rotterdam-Rijnmond. The increase, development and health of almost 10,000 children who are born in Rotterdam are followed as from the early pregnancy to young the adulthood.

12-11-2008, AMSTERDAM

HRH Princess Maxima

HRH Princess Maxima of the Netherlands performs Wednesday evening 12 November on the museum square in Amsterdam the opening of the Amsterdam India festival. Connecting the Princess in the Concert Bldg. attends an implementation of the Kathakali dancing theatre. The Amsterdam India tries festival by means of dozens of events in the field of music, dancing, vogue, film, photography, theatre, sculpture art, architecture and multimedia living culture, wealth and of bringing diversity of India in already its facets closer

HRH Prince Friso (second son of Queen Beatrix) visited and speeched at the "Vliegende Hollanders" Science & Technology Summit in Amsterdam.

© Albert Nieboer - Royal Press Europe

The Hague Presentation of Cees Fasseur book 'Juliana and Bernard, story of a marriage 1936 - 1956'' with the report of the Commissie-Beel about the Greet Hofmans affair in Societeit de Witte in The Hague.

© Albert Nieboer - Royal Press Europe

The Hague
Princess Laurentien attended the congress of the MKB-Nederland in The Hague

© Albert Nieboer - Royal Press Europe

The Hague
08-11-2008, DEN BOSCH

HRH Prince Willem Alexander and HRH Princess Maxima

His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange and Her Royal Highness Princess Maxima of the Netherlands are Saturday 8 November presently at the official opening of era sparrow festival 2008 in the theatre To The Parade in `s-Hertogenbosch. Dutch dancing theatre I, intro dancing ensemble for youth and the international dancing theatre looks after the opening evening. They bring global dancing, which connect the new Kosmopoliet'. on the festival topic

08-11-2008, UTRECHT

HRH Princess Maxima

HRH Princess Maxima of the Netherlands speaks Saturday afternoon 8 November in Utrecht during the lock of the three-year programme language meetings of the Orange Fund. This programme had been set up on recommendation of the Commission PaVEM. The aim is foreign women that parent is then 18 years and by 1998 to the Netherlands still the possibility has come offer for the Dutch language to learn by means of volunteers to your home adress.

Prince Alexander handed out the Erasmusprice 2008 in the Grote of St. Janschurch in Rotterdam to Mr. Ian Buruma in the presence of Queen Beatrix and Princess M‡xima.

© Albert Nieboer - Royal Press Europe

Queen Beatrix was present in the Nieuwe kerk at the celebration of 125 years "Koninklijke Horeca Nederland" 125 years Royal Hotel and Catering industry in the Netherlands.
© Albert Nieboer - Royal Press EuropeQueen Beatrix was present in the Nieuwe kerk at the celebration of 125 years "Koninklijke Horeca Nederland" 125 years Royal Hotel and Catering industry in the Netherlands.

© Albert Nieboer - Royal Press Europe

Apeldoorn Private Christening of Benjamin van Vollenhoven ( 2008) at Palace Het Loo in Apeldoorn.

© Albert Nieboer - Royal Press Europe

Prince Maurits and Prince Bernhard with their families opened the exhibition "
© Albert Nieboer - Royal Press Europe

Prince Maurits and Prince Bernhard with their families opened the exhibition ÔSpeelGoed op Het LooÕ at Palace het Loo in Apeldoorn.

© Albert Nieboer - Royal Press Europe

30-10-2008, ZEIST

HRH Princess Maxima

HRH Princess Maxima of the Netherlands opens 30 October the Fairtrade Week in Hotel Theatre Figi at Zeist. The opening has your business as a topic Make Fairtrade. During the Fairtrade soaked, organised foundation Max Havelaar, campaign is rurally conducted to commit and consumers knowledge to let make with honest products which have been produced under fairtrade conditions and have been negociated. The Fairtrade yielded takes place of 30 October up to and including 9 November.

28-10-2008, ALKMAAR

HRH Princess Maxima of the Netherlands visits Tuesday 28 October the exhebition `Power and Mystic. Egmond in the Middeleeuwen' in the Urban Museum Alkmaar.
The exhebition is part of the rural, multimediale campaign `past of Nederland'. has this campaign as an aim the historical of increasing conscience in the Netherlands.

24-10-2008 Princess Maxima patroness of the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.

Princess Maxima patroness of the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.Princess Maxima and Prince Willem-Alexander visited the jubileumconcert of the 120th annivarsary of the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.

24-10-2008 Amsterdam Princess Maxima and Prince Willem-Alexander attended the jubilee concert of the 120th annivarsary of the Royal Concertgebouworkest, directed by Mariss Jansons, at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.
© Royal Press Eurpe-Albert Nieboer

21-10-2008, the Haque

Statevisit Ghana to the Netherlands,

HM Queen Beatrix, the Presisent of Ghana, John Agyekum Kufuor and his wife, Theresa Kufuor.

The ceremony at The Palace Noordeinde,
and the arrival at the Parliament at the Binnenhof with the Minister President, mr.dr. J.P. Balkenende.

The Hague
21-10-2008, The Haque

Statevisit of Ghana to the Netherlands,

Official photo at the Palace Noordeinde at the Hague,

HM Queen Beatrix, Prof.Mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven, President John Agyekum Kufuor and his wife Theresa Kufuor.

The Haque
14-10-2008, the Haque

HRH Princess Laurentien

HRH Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands held Tuesday 14 October a speech during the start of the celebration of the 100-one year old existence off the Christian Gymnasium Sorghvliet in The Hague .
The opening meeting takes place in the " Kloosterkerk " in The Hague. Princess Laurentien, former pupil of this school, takes the first copy of the jubilee book in reception ,also major Jozias van Aartsen got a jubilee book from the rector Rookmaker.

08-10-2008, Den Haag

HM Queen Beatrix,( Mayor Mr.J.Franssen( of south-holland ) and loco-Mayor Ms.J. Klijnsma ( of the Haque )also attended the ceremony )

Today HM Queen Beatrix opened the new Building of the Central Office for Statistics (CBS) in The Hague, Leidschenveen- Ypenburg, on Wednesday 8 October.

CBS collects and processes data with the aim these of publishing statistics for policy, science and companies and publicly.

07-10-2008, Provincie Zeeland

HM Queen Beatrix,

Today HM Queen Beatrix visited the Provence of Zeeland, she viseted the villages Breskens, here she talks about the development of the harbour area and she visited Hall Spars & Rigging a establishment of an international mast builder Groede, she walked here throug the village,Cadzand-Bad, here she talked about the development of the dikes '"Natuurlijk Stijlvol " and last the village of Sluis.


03-10-2008 The Hague Queen Beatrix attended the 40 year jubilee of the National Youthfoundation Jantje Beton at Madurodam in The Hague.

The Queen received the jubilee book 'Time to Play, Jantje Beton moves on''.
The Queen is the sculptress of the Jantje Beton symbol which she made in 1968 for the foundation.

The Hague
HENDRIK IDO AMBACHT 2nd October 2008

Prince Willem-Alexender opened this morning the new sportaccomodation 'Sophiahal' in Hendrik Ido Ambacht in the provence South Holand.

Amsterdam, 02-10-2008

Princess Marilene

Princess Marilene at exhibition Penselen ( Paint brushes) at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.
The Princess is member of the Friends of the Rijksmuseum.

01-10-2008, Amsterdam

HM Queen Beatrix is Wednesday 1 October in the Van Goghmuseum in Amsterdam present at the opening of the exhebition 125 " large loves " with support of the association Rembrandt.
The exhebition brings 125 top pieces from more than thirty museums. The expositie shows the quality and the diversity of the purchases which have been supported by the association Rembrandt. This way not only work of Rembrandt and Vermeer, but also of Picasso, Manet is see.

HAARLEM, 26th September 2008

Princess Maxima opened the renewed theatre of Haarlem (in the province Noord-Holland) close to Amsterdam.HAARLEM, 26th September 2008

Princess Maxima opened the renewed theatre of Haarlem (in the province Noord-Holland) close to Amsterdam.


HRH Princess Maxima of the Netherlands are Wednesday afternoon 24 September in the conference centre of Eureko Achmea in Zeist present at the congress Microverzekeren;
the social responsibility of mutual and cooperative ventures .
Microverzekeren is the name of services which are aimed to underprivilegeds in developing countries insurance possibilities to offer

On the groupfoto

HRH Princess Maxima at the left Willemijn Verloop ( world child )


Here Majesty Queen Beatrix orders Tuesday 23 September on Palace Huis den Bosch the first new child postage stamps and post cards. With placing the first order of the 60th child postage stamp action, it starts. As from Wednesday 24 September children of group 7 and 8 go along the doors for selling child postage stamps and postcards.

The hague

HRH Princess Maxima visited today the neigburhood Nieuwebuur in Deventer where the annual " Burendag", ( neighbourhood day ) was held.

Apeldoorn, 19 th September 2008

Queen Beatrix gave this morning the startschot for the estafette for the Palacerun from Palace Het Loo to Palace Soestdijk.
© Royal Press Europe - Albert nieboerApeldoorn, 19 th September 2008

Queen Beatrix gave this morning the startschot for the estafette for the Palacerun from Palace Het Loo to Palace Soestdijk. Queen Beatrix was was accompanied by her sister Margiet's, son Prince Pieter-Christiaan.
© Royal Press Europe - Albert nieboer


Her Majesty Queen Beatrix and HRH Princess Margriet of the Netherlands honoured Friday 19 September the Dutch medal winners of the Paralympic Games Beijing at the Palace Noordeinde in The Hague.

The Hague
Rotterdam, 18 th September 2008

Princess Maxima attended this morning Euro Skills 2008 in Ahoy in Rotterdam.

17-09-2008 Amsterdam Queen Beatrix attended the opening of the House of Aristoteles, a new Childrenmuseum at Cultuurparc Westergasfabriek, in Amsterdam.

© Royal Press Europe - Albert nieboer

THE HAGUE 16 th September

Opening of the Parlement by Queen Beatrix. She was acoompanied by Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima in the golden coach to the Ridderzaal.

© Royal Press Europe - Albert nieboer

The Hague
Amsterdam Queen Beatrix attended the opening of the new building of the Conservatorium (CvA) of Amsterdam. The building was designed by Frits van Dongen.
© Royal Press Europe - Albert nieboer


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