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Luxembourg |
the Church Saint-Trophyme in Bormes-les-Mimosas, on April 29, 2023, where the Wedding of Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg and Mr. Nicolas Bagory takes place
Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT
Bormes-les-Mimosas 29.04.2023
Prince Guillaume, Grand Duke Hereditary and Princess Stephanie, Grand Duchess Hereditary and Prince Charles of Luxemburg arrive at the Abbaye Saint-Maurice in Clervaux, on September 19, 2020, for the baptism of Prince Charles Jean Philippe Joseph Marie Guillaume
Photo: Albert Nieboer/ Netherlands OUT / Point De Vue Out
Clervaux 19.09.2020
Prince FŽlix and Prince Louis of Luxembourg arrive at the Philharmonie in Luxembourg, on June 23, 2019, on the occasion of of the National Day of Luxembourg
Photo : Albert Nieboer /
Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT
Luxembourg 23.06.2019
the coffin is carried out at the Cathédrale Notre-Dame in Luxemburg, on May 04, 2019, after the Funeral ceremony of HRH Grand Duke Jean of Luxemburg (5 januari 1921 – 23 april 2019)
Photo: Albert Ph van der Werf /
Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT
Luxemburg 04.05.2019
Prince Guillaume, Grand Duke Hereditary and Princess Stephanie, Grand Duchess Hereditary of Luxemburg and other family arrive at the church of Anvaing, on January 16, 2019, to attend the funeral of Count Philippe de Lannoy (14 August 1922 Ð 10 January 2019), father of Princess Stephanie Grand Duchess Hereditary of Luxemburg
Photo: Albert Nieboer /
Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT
Anvaing 16.01.2019
Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie,
Prince Félix and Princess Claire, Prince Louis, Princess Alexandra and Prince Sébastien of Luxembourg arrive at the CatheÌdrale Notre-Dame in Luxembourg, on June 23, 2018, to attend the The Deum on the occasion of the National Day of Luxembourg
Photo : Albert Nieboer /
Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT
Luxembourg 23.06.2018
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg at the Palais Grand-Ducal in Luxembourg, on June 23, 2018, posing for the press on the occasion of the National Day of Luxembourg
Photo : Albert Nieboer /
Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT
Luxembourg 23.06.2018
Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie off Luxembourg, on May 06, 2018, attending the traditional procession de clôture de l’Octave in Luxembourg
Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point De Vue OUT
Luxembourg 06.05.2018
Wedding of Princess Marie-Gabrielle de Nassau and Mr. Antonius Willms at the Ermita del Santo Cristo in Marbella, on September 2, 2017
Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point De Vue Out
Marbella 03.09.2017
Luxemburg, 08-12-2016
1ère rangée :
Leurs Altesses Royales le Grand-Duc Héritier, la Grande-Duchesse, le Grand-Duc Jean, le Grand-Duc et la Grande-Duchesse Héritière.
2ème rangée :
Son Altesse Royale le Prince Guillaume de Luxembourg, Son Altesse Sérénissime la Princesse Margaretha de Liechtenstein, Son Altesse Impériale et Royale l’Archiduchesse Marie-Astrid d’Autriche et Son Altesse Royale le Prince Jean de Luxembourg.
Family photo at the Grand-Ducal Palace
Members of the Grand Ducal Family attends the celebration of the 125 years Luxembourg-Nassau dynasty
RPE/Albert Nieboer/NETHERLANDSOUT/Point de Vue Out
Luxemburg 08.12.2016
Luxembourg , 23-06-2016
Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria-Teresa,Grand Duke Guillaume and Grand Duchess Stephanie, Prince Louis and Princess Tessy, Prince Félix and Princess Claire, Princess Alexandra and Prince Sebastian
Te Deum at the Cathedral Notre-Dame de Luxembourg
Members of the Grand Ducal family attend the ceremonies at the National Day.
RPE/Albert Ph.van der Werf/Netherlands OUT
Luxembourg 24.06.2016
Nommern, 28-05-2016
Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa
First Holy Communion of HRH Prince Noah at the church of Nommern , son of Prince Louis and Princess Tessy of Luxembourg
POOL/©2016 Cour grand-ducale / Olivier Polet’/RPE/Albert Nieboer/Netherlands OUT
Nommern 28.05.2016
Luxembourgh, 11-11-2014
HM King Felipe, HM Queen Letizia, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie
Arrival at the Grand-Ducal Palace in Luxembourg.
Official 1 day visit of HM King Felipe and HM Queen Letizia to Luxembourg
RPE/Albert Nieboer/Netherlands OUT/
Luxembourg 11.11.2014
Saintâ€Maximinâ€laâ€Sainteâ€Baume, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 21: Religious ceremony for HRH Prince Félix of Luxemburg and Miss Claire Lademacher on September 21, 2013 in Saintâ€Maximinâ€laâ€Sainteâ€Baume, FRANCE. Photo: Albert Nieboer-RPE NETHERLANDS OUT
Princess Tessy, Prince Louis, Princess Alexandra, Stephanie, Hereditary Grand Duchess, Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke, Maria Teresa, Grand Duchess, Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg at the Cathedral
Celebrates National Day June 23 2013, Luxemburg Photo: Albert Nieboer/NETHERLANDS OUT
Religious wedding of Archduke Christoph of Austria to Adelaide Drape-Frisch in the Basilique Saint-Epvre of Nancy.
Nancy, 29 december 2012 Photo:RPE-Albert Nieboer / NETHERLANDS OUT
Nancy 29.12.2012
Civil wedding of Archduke Christoph of Austria to Adelaide Drape-Frisch in the City Hall of Nancy.
Nancy, 28 december 2012 Photo:RPE-Albert Nieboer / NETHERLANDS OUT
Nancy 28.12.2012
Prince Felix of Luxemburg and his fiancŽ the german Claire Lademacher
Official photo of Prince Felix of Luxemburg and his fiancŽ the german Claire Lademacher.
Colmar, 27 december 2012 Photo:RPE-Albert Nieboer / NETHERLANDS OUT
Colmar 27.12.2012
20.10.2012 - Royal Wedding 2012 / Luxembourg / Crown Prince Guillaume / Crown Princess Stephanie / Royals Luxembourg / Grand-Duke / - Photo: ©Grand-Ducal Court/Christian Aschman/All rights reserved
Wedding of Prince Guillaume, the Hereditary Grand Duke and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie of Luxembourg at the Cathedral of Our Lady in the City of Luxembourg, Saturday 20 October 2012. Photo: RPE-Albert Nieboer / NETHERLANDS OUT
Luxemburg 22.10.2012
Arrival for the gala dinner on the occasion of the wedding of Prince Guillaume, the Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg and Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy at the Grand Ducal Palace in the City of Luxembourg, Friday 19 October 2012. Photo: RPE-Albert Nieboer / NETHERLANDS OUT
Luxemburg 19.10.2012
Comtesse Stephanie de Lannoy, Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Funeral of Comtesse Alix de Lannoy, the mother of Comtesse Stephanie de Lannoy fiancee of HRH Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume of Luxemburg, has died. The comtesse suffered a stroke on Sunday, August 26, 2012. She was 70-years old
Anvaing 31.08.2012
Luxemburg, 23-06-2012
Grand Duke Henri,Grand Duchess Maria Teresa and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume at the Defile.
The Luxemburg Grand Ducal family celebrate today the National Day with a Te Deum in the Cathredral of Luxemburg and the defile at the Ave. de Liberte.
Photo:RPE/Albert Philip van der Werf/NETHERLANDS OUT
Luxemburg 23.06.2012
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Grand Duke Henri
Luxemburg royal family attends the day before the National Day celebrations. Luxemburg, Luxemburg, 22 June 2012. Photo: Albert Nieboer / RPE NETHERLANDS OUT
Luxemburg 22.06.2012
Engagement of Guillaume Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxemburg with belgium Countess Stephanie de Lannoy. Luxemburg, Colmar, Chateau Berg, 27 April 2012. Photo: Albert Nieboer
Luxemburg 27.04.2012
(L) Princess Alexandra, Prince Felix, Princess Tessy. Prince Sebastian, Gabriel, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Louis, Grand Duke Henri, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume
Grand Ducal family of Luxembourg pose for the media at Chateau de Berg in Colmar Berg. Photo: Albert Nieboer
Colmar Berg 27.06.2011
Grand Ducal family Ducal leaving the Palace for a walk to the City Hall
Grand Ducal family at the day before the celebration of the National Day of Luxemburg on the 23rd of June Photo: Albert van der Werf
Luxemburg 23.06.2011
(L) Prince Sebastian, Princess Alexandra, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Grand Duke Henri, Prince Louis, Princess Tessy
23-06-2011 Luxemburg Grand Ducal family celebrate today the National Day with a Te Deum in the Cathredral of Luxemburg and the defilŽ at the Ave. de Liberte. Photo: Albert van der Werf
Luxemburg 23.06.2011
1ère rangée (de gauche à droite)
Sa Majesté la Reine des Belges
Son Altesse Royale le Grandâ€Duc
Son Altesse Royale le Grandâ€Duc Jean
Son Altesse Royale la Grandeâ€Duchesse
Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges
2e rangée (de gauche à droite)
Son Altesse Royale le Prince Jean
Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Margaretha de Liechtenstein
Son Altesse Royale le Grandâ€Duc héritier
Son Altesse Impériale et Royale l'Archiduchesse Marieâ€Astrid d'Autriche
Son Altesse Royale le Prince Guillaume
Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Alix de Ligne
3e rangée (de gauche à droite)
Son Altesse Sérénissime le Prince Nicolas de Liechtenstein
Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Tessy avec les Princes Noah et Gabriel
Son Altesse Royale le Prince Louis de Luxembourg
Son Altesse Royale le Prince Félix de Luxembourg
Son Altesse Impériale et Royale l'Archiduc Christian d'Autriche
Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Sibilla avec le Prince Jean de Nassau
4e rangée (de gauche à droite)
Son Altesse Royale le Prince Paulâ€Louis de Nassau
Son Altesse Impériale et Royale l'Archiduchesse Marieâ€Christine d'Autriche
Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Alexandra de Luxembourg
Son Altesse Royale le Prince Sébastien de Luxembourg
Son Altesse Sérénissime la Princesse Mariaâ€Annunciata de Liechtenstein
Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Marie Gabrielle de Nassau
5e rangée (de gauche à droite)
Son Altesse Sérénissime le Prince Josephâ€Emmanuel de Liechtenstein
Son Altesse Sérénissime la Princesse Marieâ€Astrid de Liechtenstein
Son Altesse Impériale et Royale l'Archiduc Imre d'Autriche
Son Altesse Royale le Prince Constantin de Nassau
Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Charlotte de Nassau
6e rangée (de gauche à droite)
Son Altesse Sérénissime le Prince Josephâ€Emmanuel de Liechtenstein
Son Altesse Royale le Prince Carl Johann de Nassau
Son Altesse Impériale et Royale l'Archiduc Alexander d'Autriche
Son Altesse Royale le Prince Wenceslas de Nassau
Son Altesse Impériale et Royale l'Archiduchesse Gabriella d'Autriche
Son Altesse Impériale et Royale l'Archiduc Christophe d'Autriche
Son Altesse Royale le Prince Léopold de Nassau
Celebration of the 90th birthday of HRH Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg at the Philharmonie in Luxembourg. Photo: RPE-Albert Nieboer
Luxembourg 06.01.2011
(L) Prince Guillaume Hereditary Grand Duke, Princess Alexandra, Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Louis, Princess Tessy and Prince Sebastian at the Cathredral
Celebration of National Day of Luxemburg with the Grand Ducal Family, Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume Hereditary Grand Duke, Prince Louis, Princess Tessy, Princess Alexandra and Prince Sebastian. Photo: Albert Nieboer / Royal Press Europe
Luxembourg 23.06.2010
Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Guillaume Hereditary Grand Duke, Prince Sebastian
Luxembourg Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke and Prince Sebastian attends the pilgrimage to the statue of Our Lady, Comforter of the Afflicted, since 1678; the statue itself has been known since 1624. The ÒOctaveÓ in the Cathedral of Luxembourg takes place every year from the 3rd to the 5th Sunday after Easter and ends with a solemn procession. This celebration, in honour of Our Lady of Luxembourg, ends with a procession of members of the royal family and catholic dignitaries. Foto: Albert Nieboer
Luxembourg 09.05.2010
Luxemburg , 14-10-2009,
Grand Duchess Maria-Theresa
official photo at the Palais Grand-Ducal
1st day of the Statevisit from Ireland to Luxemburg.
Arrival at the Palais Grand-Ducal, official photo, photo moment at the Plaquette Unesco at the Corniche, also they visited the Hotel de Ville Luxembourgh.
Photo, Albert Philip van der Werf, Royal Press Europe
Luxemburg 14.10.2009
Prince Felix, Princess Tessy with son Gabriel, Prince Louis with son Prince Noah, Grand Duchess maria Teresa, Grand Duke Henri, Princess Alexandra, Prince Guillaume Hereditary Grand Duke and Prince Sebastian (R)
Photo because the 9th Annivarsary of the throne by Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg
Royal Press Europe/© Cour grand-ducale/Lola Velasco
Luxembourg 13.10.2009
Photo: Albert van der Werf
Photo: Albert van der WerfHeriditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Prince Felix, Prince Louis, Prince Louis, Princess Tessy, Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Sebastian (R) of Luxembourg
Photo: Albert Nieboer
Photo: Albert van der Werf
Luxembourg 23.06.2009
Photo: Albert Nieboer
Photo: Albert Nieboer
Ville d' Esch-sur-Alzette 22.06.2009
Mrs. Tarja Halonen, President of Finland and her husband, Pentti Arajarvi to Grand-Duke Henri and Grand-Duchess Maria Teresa. The Finnish president is on an official three-day visit to Luxembourg.
Luxembourg, November 24, 2008.
Photo: Albert Nieboer
Luxembourg 24.11.2008
STOCKHOLM 16-04-2008 Statevisit Luxembourg to Sweden.
Arrival at the Nordic Museum of Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg and King Carl Gustav, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Madelaine and Prince Carl Philip for the contrapresentation becaude the 3 day satevisit of Luxembourg.
© Royal Press Europe-Albert Nieboer
STOCKHOLM 15-04-2008 Statevisit Luxembourg to Sweden.
King Carl Gustav and Queen Silvia officially welcomed Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg for a 3 day satevisit.
© Royal Press Europe-Albert Nieboer
Stockholm 16.04.2008
STOCKHOLM 15-04-2008 Statevisit Luxembourg to Sweden.
King Carl Gustav and Queen Silvia officially welcomed Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg for a 3 day satevisit.
© Royal Press Europe-Albert Nieboer
STOCKHOLM 15-04-2008 Statevisit Luxembourg to Sweden.
King Carl Gustav and Queen Silvia officially welcomed Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg for a 3 day satevisit.
© Royal Press Europe-Albert Nieboer
Stockholm 15.04.2008